A joint demonstration by Malang city student protesters was disbanded for violating the Covid 19 health protocol and vandalizing police cars
Dozens of student members of the National Student Front (FMN) together with the Women’s Movement Alliance with the People (GEMPUR), elements of the AMP, Free West Papua staged demonstration in commemoration of International Women’s Day. They rally in front of the Malang City Hall / DPRD Office on Monday (8/3/2021) at 9.00 am WIB.
The protesters occured with posters and banners gave speeches criticizing and demanding the local and state government. Their demands are: destroy capitalism, legalize the PKS bill & create gender-based social welfare, fight and destroy sexism and capitalism, legalize the PKS bill / eliminate sexual violence right away, seize the rights of women workers who are deprived of tyranny.
In addition to that, Reject Special Autonomy volume 2; the solution is to have a referendum for West Papua, withdraw the Indonesian military from all over Papua. Kitong asks for independence, not asking for special autonomy, Stop the coup end military dictatorship, Provide safe space for Papuan women.
Apart from giving speeches, these demonstrators also distributed leaflets to road users passing around the Malang Gajayana stadium
At around 09.30 WIB, officers from the Police and Public Order Enforcers of the Malang City Government ask them to stop their actions because they did not have permits for the demonstration. Moreover, currently it is still in the mass of the Covid-19 Pandemic, as well as the implementation of Micro-scale PPKM.
In carrying out security, the Head of Malang City Police, Police Grand Comissioner Dr. Leonardus Simarmata and Commander Military District 0833 / Malang City went straight to the field by themselves.
The Malang City Police Chief appealed to the protesters to disperse immediately because currently it was still the Covid-19 Pandemic. In addition, the action carried out by the protesters with a combination of other elements of society did not have permission from the police.
“In addition, this action is not in accordance with the commemoration of” Women Day “. And disturbs other community activities. Moreover, currently it is still in the mass of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the implementation of Micro PPKM,” explained Police Grand Comissioner Leonardus Simarmata, Monday (8 / 3/2021) noon.
“Because the demonstrators ignored our warning, they were forced to disperse the action. Because we have given the opportunity to convey their aspirations,” added the Police Chief.
The demonstrators were finally put into trucks to be returned to their starting points. However, in the middle of the trip, the demonstrators who were transported by the truck vandalized the truck by kicking the rear glass. So that the demonstrators were taken to the Malang Police Headquarters for investigation.
“When we transported them by truck, they kicking the glass of the truck. So we secure them to headquarte for ivestigation,” he concluded.